Run With Me.

>> Wednesday, December 2, 2009

1st of December already?! Well, did nothing much for the 1st day of the last month of the year 2009. Mamamia! Ohya, so today, something so random happened to me. My friend, Meiyuen who just can't stop missing me came to me asking about one random question.

Meiyuen: eh Vj! Just realised, if you become a DJ, your name will be DJVJ. Cool~!
Me: Holycrap! You are so random(:
Meiyuen: Don't ask me why. I thought of it when I was tying up my curtains.
[proves that you missed me too much that's why you thought of that. hehe:P]
Me: LOL! You miss me too much. hahaha!

So yea, that's my random friend. Haha! Are you like reading this now meiyuen? ;P Anyhow, nothing much to blog about. Bought a chocolate calender thingy where each day you eat 1 choc from the calender. If you guys know what I mean, if not, pictures below will explain it. Haha! Oh, fyi people, I am not childish. It's just a christmas thing I enjoy(:

Choco Calender! Simpsons wei, how awesome! Hehe.

1st of Dec. Jengjengjeng. What's inside?! =0

Whee! It's a christmas tree choc (:

Gone?! Which rat ate it? lol :P

ps: just run with me through rows of speeding cars (:


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