Up Side & Down Side

>> Tuesday, August 4, 2009

OKAY people! My life is officially upside down! Jesus christ! Mamamia. Its 6am aussie time now and I'm not asleep yet! How is this so? I don't know. I tried sleeping but I felt so hungry. So I ate fried rice and drank a big cup of pepsi! Awesome! Stomach feels niceee now. Hahaha. But at the same time, not that well, 6am and I'm eating fried rice and drinking pepsi? Lol. What a healthy lifestlye;) Hahaha. I only sleep in the morning and wake up in the evening. Like Hantu! wtfff! I don't see daylight not even abit of sunlight cause now's winter and sky gets dark early. I live a life of a vampire or ghost. Sigh! I need to change! In need of a change in me! changechangechange... I want to change in every way!!!


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