relax, calm and happy

>> Monday, August 24, 2009

current mood: relax, calm and happy

ilovethisfeeling. It's awesome:) Anyway. The dog will have a name! It's name will be 'Jack'. Nice name? No? Haha. I think it suits the breed. He is a mix of pitbull and bulldog. I reckon it'll be damn fierce. Daddy say this type of dog can kill a person if he/she is bitten. Hmm. True? Well, I heard from the news today that 1 person was killed by a pitbull dog. So... I think it's true. Hahaha. As for my studio now. It's full of laughter and annoying nagging. Usually it was so quiet as if there were no one in the room. Food? Niceee food is prepared whenever I'm awake or back from uni. Awesome:P I feel so nice especially with my 2 assignments which are due this week almost done. Hehehe:D Can't wait for tomorrow!!! BADMINTON!!! woohoo! sportsportsport. Me likey! Lol!

Take pic of your New laptop and show me!
I'm jealousssss~ Lol.
Dad.Mom please get me one too!!!


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