Hello people! I'm back! :D If you were wondering who posted the previous 2 post, they're Kuoleeching and Chenchinshieng (; The cousins. Lol! Anyhow, did not update mainly because of kinda lazy plus don't know what to update about. Besides, internet was down for 3days. In between the period, it was like Hell. How can you survive without internet? I would rather die if were to live without internet. So.. Decided to update my blog because of internet is back on (a lil celebration). LOL! And also, someone complain already.
Few updates:
15/1/10 - after Uni. Back home online..... Hours later, OMFG! Internet down -.- Had to go friend's place to curi internet. Haha! Sad case :P
16/1/10 - Library. Love the hot choc from the cafe beside library. Niceeee. Study for few hours, back home dota 1round to release stress :D Then head off to cousin house to curi internet again. Well, not only because of that. The main reason was to play wii! Wheee! (great news : mommy bought wii back in msia too) Hehe! Can't wait to go back and play. Played some sports game and mario. Lmao session during mario. It was so funny, mainly cause I suck? Man, I'm too old for that game, can't estimate the jumping distance. Keep on dying. HAHA! I know I suck :P
17/1/10 - Woke up pretty early cause sleep quite late. (No more late sleep) Breakfast was some vietnamese bread roll. Don't really like it, there's HEAPS of vege in it -.- Later, badminton at Albert Park, MSAC (Melbourne Sport and Aquatic Centre). Back to cousin's house, wii time again. Again LMAO session during mario. Screw that game! Hahaha! After dinner, back home.
18/1/10 - Today. Woke up, 1st thing, called the internet company and deal with the problem. Hence, ta-da! I'm blogging (; Lol! Cold weather, 16degrees during summer? -.- Kaneh! Suddenly 44degrees hot, suddenly 16degrees cold. Have a feeling that during finals, the whole week will be HOT.... K, that's all for now peeps. Off to study, finals next week =/ Ciao (;