Bloo aka Finger

>> Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Classes started already. Find it quite fun comparing to the 1st and 2nd sem. Marketing class is so interesting(; So fun. Lecturer is full of shits too! A cool lecturer indeed, in fact quite a number of times he used the word bast**d, a**holes and some bad word too. Ilike! LOL! Anyway, I was walking towards the tram station yesterday from uni and I saw a Ferari. If I'm not mistaken, it was driven by a student I suppose. Woo~! Haha. The colour red is just so attractive :D Oh, and today I learned that there is actually a sugar spoon which cost 500aud -.-! IMBA to the max. Apparently it is from the brand 'Tiffany', a brand which someone likes. Hahaha. Finally, I found a new character which is so.... indescribable! His name is Blooregard Q. Kazoo, in short, Bloo(: He is also known as Finger. FINGER???!!! HAHA!

Wants a guitar badly,
christmas present maybe?
Send me one during the day, Santa!!!(;


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