
>> Sunday, June 21, 2009

Back in Aussie!!! Izit good or bad? Hahaha. There's abit of both. Hmm... I've started to miss every moment when i was back in Malaysia since yesterday night. emoooo *bad for health, I know =.=* but what am I suppose to do? Sighhh. Anyway. Let's talk bout aussie. Well its good being back here as the weather here is sooooo much cooler because it's Winter now :D 12 degree celcius and raining? mmm.. what's more to say? Niceeeee~ Well, that's all for now.

(pictures will be send to kuoleeching *be patience:) and whoever wants it, please do let me know =) ) *pics of curve*

Something's I'll never know, and I had to let them go
I'm sitting all alone feeling empty


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